Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best Tips on How to Turn Your Exams into Fun

Over the years, examinations have been dreaded by students. No matter the level of studentship one is, one is faced with a test of his knowledge in any subject, this usually arouses some level of tension in the individual. The degree of tension, however, depends on how vast and grounded the student is in the knowledge of what he is being examined on. So, what determines whether an exam will be fun or terror is how well the exam has been prepared for. In a moment, I will show you simple tips that converted my exams to fun that I usually looked forward to have.
1. Start early to read- The problem with many students is that they believe that the best time to prepare for an exam is when the exam date has been fixed. Some other group of students even believe that it is not necessary to read until one has his exam timetable at hand. These people spend all their time from the beginning of the academic session to the end doing every other thing except reading. I want to tell you that this attitude does nothing more than putting a student under undue pressure before exams; makes him dread exams or even fall sick ( the so called “exam fever” ) and ultimately leads to failure. What I do that helps me is to start reading early _ just as soon as the new academic session begins. I start studying my books while following the lectures as they are taught. I also try to avoid piling up notes to copy, assignments, practicals etc. In fact, I just do my studies diligently from the beginning of the session avoiding unnecessary pressure. It is counter-productive for a student to play all through an academic session only to resort to a “crash programme” at exams periods. He either fails the exams or he forgets most of the things he read soon after the exams because they are not well consolidated. This is one of the causes of having graduates who cannot defend their courses (half-baked graduates). Try and start studying early from next academic session following the simple tips to read without forgetting, you will see that before the exams come, you would have been ready and while other students shiver and read all night to prepare for the exam, you will have enough time to read, rest and sleep getting better prepared for the exam than many other people.
2. Be consistent- Slow and steady, they say, wins the race. When you have started reading early in the session, it will pay you more if you remain consistent. It is a common experience to see students who start reading from the beginning of the session but before the session is half gone, they have forgotten their resolution earlier. For me, I make personal timetable and follow it. This however requires self discipline, but I do it. So, you can. Follow a well organised simple timetable. An easy simple timetable can be one that has just a subject or two (not more than three) to read in a day in addition to the day’s work in school. This timetable should give time for other activities such as: rest, play, religious activities, and house chores. When you follow your timetable, just taking each day as it comes, you will be better organised, balanced and committed to your studies and when the exams will come, you notice that there will be no need to fear but just to have fun because you are better prepared to face them.
3. Apply good study skills- Another important aspect is your study techniques. Different people read a particular text but have different levels of comprehension and recalling capacity because of different approaches to studies. If you apply good skills, you will be in a better position to maximise the time spent in reading. So it is important that you learn how to read without forgetting.
4. Do thorough revision- The importance of revision cannot be over emphasised. The more you revise, the more what you read forms part of you and you understand the topics better and hence you can reproduce or even synthesise information better. For me, I start revising early enough before the time for any exams. This helps me to avoid revising under tension and allowing my brain to assimilate naturally. Thus, while other students will be spending sleepless nights in classes revising few days to the exam, I read at my usual comfortable pace having no need to over stress myself. What a fun in place of stress in exams!
5. Sleep well on the eve of exam- The eve of an exam is the worst time to read so hard. It’s not true! Some may exclaim, but just wait a minute; it is only those who use bad study techniques that get chocked with time before exam irrespective of the volume of what you have to read. Your brain needs enough time of relaxation to be able to work effectively and only a good night sleep of not less than 6 hours will provide it. So to avoid confusion or forgetfulness during the exam, give yourself a good dose of night sleep.
6. Be confident and composed as you enter the exam hall- Self confidence begets bravery and by a stroke of courage a man can perform beyond his ordinary ability. If you believe you can, you will. It’s that simple. Fear is a major factor that destroys many who entertain it. No matter how well prepared you are, if you keep having doubts within yourself, you cannot achieve anything. After you have taken your time to prepare well and have rested enough, trust your brain and enter the exam hall with confidence; you will be surprised at how wonderfully you can perform.
The truth is: Even professors fear exams, but if you follow these simple tips, your exams can be fun.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Read without Forgetting

Everyone is endowed with the capacity to make a productive study, everyone has got the brain. The methods people use to study make the difference between a genius and a dullard.

Just in a moment, I’ll show you the genius in you.
Here are ten things to do to make your brain a magnet of information.

1. Have a good night sleep to rest the brain – It is very important to give the brain the much needed relaxation by having good undisturbed night sleep before embarking on an intellectual task such as examination. It is a common behavior for people especially students to study hard on the eve of an exam. Some students are good at what I may call “fire-brigade” approach in preparing for exams, hence some students read very deep into the night at the expense of their good night sleep. Others even go as far as reading Till Day Break (TDB), while some others read all through till they enter the exam hall. Worse still, there have been occasions where some continued the reading till the exams were half gone or even finished. Incredible! You may say, but all these are efforts people make to pass exams or should I say, to retain what they read till the stuff is used. Are you in any of these categories? The solution you need is here. The human brain needs at least six hours (6 hrs) of night sleep to achieve good relaxation; denying your brain this rest runs down your memory.
2. Study in a quiet environment – This could also be termed “minimize distractions”. It is important to give the brain less work to do by consciously eliminating distractions and noise. Noise is one of the ‘bad clogs’ on the wheel of good understanding and good memory formation. Consider what happens when you are forcing yourself to read in a noisy environment with music blowing so loud and children running around playing and shouting on top of their voices; concentration becomes difficult and memory formation is poor. So, avoid this; choose a serene environment for a productive study. A good way to achieve this is to study in the night. But keeping this study time from evening till anytime before 12.00 midnight helps to avoid stressing the brain excessively and having enough time to sleep for the following day’s activities.
3. Focus on a topic at a time – Can you remember the last time you were preparing for an exam? How many topics did you have to revise? It is easy for a boy to focus on the message in an e-mail box sent by his girl friend and get the message in a jiffy. But when it comes to reading high school course work and preparing for an exam within a short period of time, it becomes a different ball game. What do you need to do? It is simple. Just take the topics one at a time. Remember that the best way to transfer ten raw eggs from a bag into a basket is by picking them one after another. It is more productive to map-out small time for each of the topics you have to study taking them one after another than jumping back and forth from one topic to another trying to grasp everything at once. This only leads to mixing up of information. Focusing at definite topics at a time allows your brain to form “particulate quota” of memory on what you read.
4. Have a good grip of the language – The problem of language has done much harm in information transfer systems. For instance, many of the written items we read are in English Language which is a borrowed language to most of us and the depth of one’s grasp of the information being passed across depends on the depth of one’s understanding of the language in the first place. As you read through this article, you are only able to appreciate what is being passed across because you can understand simple English Language. So, it is better to get a good dictionary close when you are studying a piece of new information. Try and breakdown all the ambiguous terms and ensure that you understand the full meaning of sentences made in the article. Hence by the time you are reading the material again, you will have a better understanding and better memory formation in your brain. The more you are able to express a text in your own words and in your own dialect, the more the brain will be able to print the information into indelible memory.
5. Try to understand the “thought” of the writer – In every piece of writing, the author has some feelings; some concept or some ‘belief’ he wants to pass across to his readers. This can be called the thought formation he has about the topic. If you can understand the language in which the text is written very well, the next step in forming an indelible memory on what you read in the text is by trying to understand the feeling, concept, belief or simply the “thought” of the author in the text. Ask yourself: “what is the whole essence of writing this topic?” “What does the author have in mind while writing this topic?” “What does he want people to understand from reading this text?” As you try to answer these questions, you are leading your mind and brain into having a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter and hence creating an indelible memory of same.
6. Try to write something down or underline some lines while reading – When I was younger, I have always wondered how possible it is for one to write out ‘points’ while reading. “What if all the paragraphs are important”. I used to ask “Would I copy all of them out as my notes?” this has been a problem to many students. Some make such notes and never go back to revise with the notes they have made, others even lose the notes soon after they are made; but very few retain these ‘precious notes’ and revise with them. The later is what I recommend. But then, I discovered a simpler way of doing it – underlining the portions of interest. This not only reveals the points easily during revision but also retains cohesiveness between the interesting points and other information in the text. Also, the problem of loss of part or whole of the text is eliminated. So next time you are reading try making some simple, clean marks under or beside the paragraphs of interest. To encourage neatness, I use well sharpened pencil to make my marks.
7. Limit your study to the period of your maximum assimilation – It is not ‘How long’ you sat in the library reading that determines the result you get from reading but ‘How well’ you read in the time you spent there. I had a friend who would spend four hours reading without getting up from his seat. That was in our early years in high school. I used to be challenged by the resilience of that my friend. I tried to imitate him then but I could not. To my surprise, this my friend dropped behind us in class because he could not pass his exams. Wow! That taught me a big lesson. Whenever you start reading, your brain is at its best within the first 2 hours, thereafter, it begins to decrease in efficiency and this continues with time. So by the time you seat at a place and read for 4 hours at a stretch, your brain would (as a necessity) need some relaxation for efficient memory formation process. You can achieve this by getting up and going out for a few minutes walk, charting for few minutes with a friend, watching some pictures or anything at all that makes you relax for a few minutes. Then, you continue the reading for another few hours. It is helpful to reduce the amount of time engaged in active reading before having an interlude as time progresses in any particular day. It is also important to avoid overstretching the brain anytime because those things read after the brain has become fatigued are hardly ever remembered again. Save your brain the stress of wasteful energy, put it to use when it is at its best and you will be surprised how wonderful it can work in creating indelible memory.
8. Create mental pictures – The brain combines a lot of things to form memory. The things we see form a very strong component of memory formation instruments. So when you present pictorial representation of what you read to your brain, it finds it easier to store it in easily retrievable form. As you read, try to create pictures or associate the information to some related objects. This helps to call up the information whenever you see or picture the objects in your brain. By so doing, you are creating indelible memories of what you read.
9. Form acronyms – Another useful tool in building a formidable memory base is by forming acronyms. These acronyms could be formed from the first letters in a word or group of letters in sentences or paragraphs. But it is important to advice here that these acronyms should be as simple as possible and should form familiar words, statements or poems (music). If you cast your mind back, you will remember that most of the lessons you learnt in the early years of life in the Kindergarten school were in form of songs or poems. By simply reciting those songs now, you will remember the lessons. Surprisingly, the lessons have remained indelible since all these years and can be recalled any moment using the magic of acronyms and songs. Try it again today; it still works as ever before.
10. Revise what you read as many times as possible – Having taken much time to ‘load’ information into your brain, it will be very difficult to retain all these information without revision. The more familiar the information are to you, the more likely you are to remember them. Consider this illustration: by ringing a bell each time a farmer wants to feed his chicks, they learnt to cluster around him in anticipation of food each time the bell is rung even if there was no food for them. The human brain is much larger and much more developed than the chicks’ and would not fail to reproduce information that has been passed through it repeatedly several times by constant revision. I suggest that it is helpful to revise the highlighted lines or notes from the previous study before going into the new one, hence you consolidate on the old information and then move on to get more.

These well researched methods helped me through my life as a student till now and as you apply them, I believe you are on your way towards turning your brain into a magnet of information.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Simple Tips to make your memory superb!

It is a common thing to hear among students such words like: "Oh I wish I could remember all I read last night before coming for this exam!", or among business executives words like "I could not remember the details of presentations during the business meeting".
Let me ask you these few questions to see if you're one of those many people that need to learn how to improve memory. Are you tired of forgetting your mother's birthday, your wedding anniversary or to pick up milk and bread on your way home? Can you even find your keys now that you have to go back to the shops to pick up the bread and milk you forgot?
I wish I had a photographic memory, also known as eidetic memory, as I think life would be so much easier. I know that there are many courses out there that can develop my photographic memory, but until I save up the money to do one of these courses I have had to find techniques that could improve just my standard memory... now.
So here's the few things that have helped me:
1. It all starts with my own self-talk - are you like me and you start to get nervous and build up a sweat when meeting new people, simply because you are 'sure' that you'll forget their names 3 seconds after hearing it? Well you're going to have to curb that first off. You know that you have the ability to improve so give your mind every chance, believe in yourself, commit to the task of improving your memory and then give yourself hearty encouragement with each achievement.
2. Now for the dreaded word - EXERCISE! - yes, your brain is just like the rest of your body, it requires exercise to stay in tip-top shape. Just as your muscles grow and develop when you do physical exercise, so does your brain when you do mental exercise. It strengthens the neural pathways in your brain, opening more and more areas of your brain. Exercising can involve, doing puzzles or riddles, learning a new language or a new musical instrument. Keep it interesting and you will enjoy the 'exercise' while you're at it.
Don't forget to exercise your body too - we can't improve just one area of our body without the assistance of our whole body, that's just how it works. So some regular aerobic exercise gets the blood flowing (improving circulation) to all parts of our body, including the brain. Physical exercise also helps you to be more alert, yet relaxed, and in a 'good frame of mind' for remembering.
3. Reduce stress - of course we can't completely eliminate stress from our lives, and stress has it's benefits too. But uncontrolled stress can affect our health both physically and mentally. Find what helps you to reduce stress. For me, yoga or pilates work a treat. It's something that I enjoy doing, I get satisfaction out of doing it because I know it's good for me, and it's an hour in my day where I forget about what's happening and just concentrate on getting my downward facing dog right.
4. Take better pictures - Sometimes we forget things, not because our memory is bad, but because we were not really concentrating and taking in the details. Listen to their name, think about it, look at what colour of tie they are wearing and what colour their hair is. Engage in meeting that person and concentrate on seeing details about them and what they're saying.
5. Give yourself time to form a memory - Memories are quickly lost in the short-term, and distractions can make you forget. When meeting a new person, are you listening and concentrating or are you distracted by the piece of spinach in their teeth? The key to avoid losing memories before they have even formed is to give yourself time to focus on things without allowing yourself to be distracted.
6. Create vivid images - The more you can visualise information, the easier it is for you to remember. But you must make your visualisations stand out in your mind by making them shocking your absurd. For example, if you want to associate a man with a laptop, try not to visualize the man using the laptop - that's too simple and forgettable. Instead, come up with something more jarring, something that sticks, like the laptop chasing the man, or the man eating the laptop. It's your mind - make the images as shocking and emotional as possible to keep the associations strong.
7.Repeat things - A nice easy one, this is a no-brainer but, the more times you hear, see, or think about something, the more you'll remember it! That new person you met, try repeating their name, write it down, think about it. You'll remember it.
8.Get your life organised - put your keys, wallet and phone in the same place every time you come home. Get (and use!) a diary or organiser to keep track of your appointments, bills, birthdays and anniversaries. I know this won't improve your memory, but it will free your mind up from the routine things in life and allow you to concentrate on memory improvement. Plus, in my case, it greatly reduced stress!
9.Have a go anyway -you'll learn from your mistakes. Whether it's listing all the Presidents of the United States, the phone numbers and birth dates of 50 friends or relatives or simply your grocery list. Through consistent effort and determination you will eventually learn how to improve memory.